
The purpose of this blog is to create an easy and fast form of communitcation for my classroom. On the blog you will find weekly updates in class assignments, events and changes. The blog will also provide links for extra work, assignments and/or information, I feel may be helpful.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Welcome to Mr. Pineda!!!!!

I would personally like to WELCOME Mr. Pineda to our Junior High Team. Mr. Pineda will be taking over all responsibilities as the Junior High Social Studies Teacher for the remainder of the year. This change comes as I leave to my new position with the school as Vice Principal.

Parents please keep an eye out for the weekly newsletter for contact and classroom information for the remainder of the year.

I would personally like to thank all the parents and students for making my time in Junior High a rewarding and memorable.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chapter 7 Take-Home Assessment (DUE FRIDAY 4/19/13)

Just a reminder 7th and 8th Grade both have a take-home assessment that is DUE tomorrow.
This assessment is an open-note assessment. All answers must be in complete sentences.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Discussion Question 16 (DUE Tuesday 4/9/13)

Should the US ban the sale of plastic water bottles? Why or Why not?

-Create a topic sentence by restating the question.
-Use complete sentences
-Length Requirements:
      7th: 15 sentences
      8th: 20 sentences

****** Student w/ modifications will need to meet the following length requirements*******

7th: 1 page (double-spaced)
8th:1 1/2 pages (double spaced)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Homework 4/4/13 (DUE 4/5/13) 7th and 8th

Both grade levels recieved a homework assignment that will be due tomorrow.

7th Grade: Causes of the Industrial Revolution (Only Question under Part A, not Part B)
8th Grade: Shays' Rebellion Primary Source Worksheet

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Discussion Question #15 DUE THURSDAY (7th and 8th)

"Should students spend more time in school? Why or why not?"

Each student must write a written response to this question. The following are the format requirements:

-Include Question

-Topic Sentence (Restate Sentence)
- Minimum Length:
7th (15 sentences)
8th (20 sentences)

*** Students with modifications have the following length requirements:
7th Grade: 1 1/2 pages
8th Grade: 2 pages

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Junior High Announcements/ Reminders

*Friday, March 29th: 7pm-9am(Saturday): JUNIOR HIGH  REWARD LOCK-IN

*Monday, April 1st: NO SCHOOL Spring Recess

*Tuesday, April 2nd: Vocabulary Quiz
                                      (7th and 8th Grade) Chapter 7
                                 Chapter 6 Retake Day
                                     ( @ lunch w/ original test signed by Parent/Guardian)
                                                   8th Grade Graduation Trip Information Night
                                                         @6pm in Mrs. Johnson's Room

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vocabulary Scramble (7th Grade DUE Thurs. 3/28 and 8th Grade DUE Fri. 3/29)

Directions: Students must take each vocabulary word and mix-up the letters to create a "scrambled" word. (Please highlight or underline the scrambled word). Then the student must provide a clue (definition or fact) about the word to help determine the scrambled word. Each word should be provided with a spot labeled as "Answer" for the original vocabulary word.

Example: Using the vocabulary word "capital"

1. laaptic 
clue: money or wealth
Answer: ______________

Extra Credit: Get a friend or family member to solve each scramble word and have them sign their name for EXTRA CREDIT.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

8th Grade Vocabulary DUE Thursday 3/26/13

Chapter 7: The US Constitution

1. constitution
2. executive
3. economic depression
4. Daniel Shays
5. Shays' Rebellion
6. The Articles of Confederation
7. James Madison
8. The Virginia Plan
9.legislative branch
10. executive branch
11. judicial branch
12. The Great Compromis
13. The New Jersey Plan
14. Three-Fifths Compromise
15. Gouverneur Morris
16. ratify
17. Federalists
18. Antifederalists
19. amendment
20. The Bill of Rights

Monday, March 25, 2013

Chapter 7 Vocabulary Due WEDNESDAY 3/27/13

(7th Grade: The Industrial Revolution)

Directions: students must define each of the following words from the chapter.

1. anesthetic
2. Agriculture Revolution
3. enclosure
4. smelt
5. capital
6. urbanization
7. tenements
8. labor unions
9. utilitarianism
10. socialism
11. means of production
12. Communism
13. Karl Marx
14. proletariat
15. Marxism

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yearbook Announcements

If any parents have pictures (field-trips, buses, lunches, classroom, etc...) that you would like to see in the yearbook, please send to Ms. Eva ASAP. You can send via email or just take her the camera to see if she can download onto her computer. All yearbook pictures need to be turned into Eva no later then Friday, March 29th.

If you need any more information, please feel free to leave a comment and email me.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paul Revere Commerical (Extra Credit)


1. Go to the following link and watch the short commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIPsYnUw7rI&playnext=1&list=PL3A31C28AB4727F75&feature=results_video

2. Answer the following question in the comment section of this post:
         -In the commercial it shows how the technology of cell phones could of changed Paul Revere's famous ride to warn colonist that British troops were invading.  What are some other changes that might of took place during the American Revolution, if cell phones were available during this time?

-Answer must be in complete sentences and a minimum of 5 sentences.

Famous Quotes (Extra Credit) 3/19/13

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

                                                               ------ Who said this?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discussion Question 14 (Due Friday 3/1/13)

Should school officials be able to search your locker? Is it a violation of your rights as an American citizen? Why or why not?

Each student must write a written response to this question. The following are the format requirements:

-Include Question
- Minimum Length: 
       7th (15 sentences)
       8th (20 sentences)

*** Students with modifications have the following length requirements:
7th Grade: 1 1/2 pages
8th Grade: 2 pages

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Famous Quote (2/26/13)

"Ability is nothing without opportunity." ---- Who said this?

Chapter Vocabulary (Due Wednesday 2/27/13)

The following are a list of vocabulary words by grade level. Each student is responsible for writing down the definition for each key word, person or phrase. (8th Grade must also include a sentence.)

7th Grade (End of Chapter 6)
1. Napoleon Bonaparte
2. plebiscite
3. Napoleonic Code
4. annexed
5. blockade
6. Nationalism
7. guerrilla warfare
8. abdicated
9. Battle of Waterloo
10. legitimacy

8th Grade (Chapter 6)
1. Thomas Paine
2. Richard Henry Lee
3. resolution
4. preamble
5. grievance
6. Nathan Hale
7. mercenary
8. alliance
9. cavalry
10. enlist
11. continental
12. John Paul Jones
13. privateer
14. Charles Cornwallis
15. guerrilla
16. Francis Marion
17. Nathanael Greene
18. traitor

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapter Assessment (MONDAY 2/25/13)

Both 7th and 8th Grade will be having a Chapter Assessment on Monday 2/25/13. Each student may use a 3X5 index card to place notes to help aid them on the test. Students will modification The Assessments will be covering the following information:

7th Grade: The French Revolution
-Major Events
-Dates of Events
-Summary of Events
-Effects of Events

8th Grade: The Road to the American Revolution
-Major Events
-Dates of Events
-Summary of Events
-Effects of Events

***Students have already received a list of major events. However, one can be provided upon request in the comment section below.******

Friday, February 15, 2013

Timeline Project

ALL Timelines must be done on a poster board. Please contact Ms. Perez if there are any comment or concerns about getting a poster board.

7th Grade: French Revolution Timeline  (Due Wed 2/20/13)

Create a timeline that includes the following events:
1. Tennis Court Oath
2. Storming of the Bastille
3. 1789 Declaration of Man
4. Women's March on Versailles
5. Execution of Louis XVI
6. Reign of Terror

Each event should include the following information:
-When                      -What happened              -Picture/illustration for each event
-Where                     - Effect

8th Grade: Pre-American Revolution Events Timeline (Due Thurs 2/21/13)

Create a timeline that includes the following events:
1. Intolerable Acts
2. First Continental Congress
3. The Shot Heard Round the World
4. Second Continental Congress
5. Battle of Bunker Hill

Each event should include the following information:
-When -What happened -Picture/illustration for each event
-Where - Effect

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Famous Quote (Extra Credit) 2/12/13

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
                    ------ Who said this???

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Unit Assessment/ Writing Assignment (Due Monday 2/11/13)

Impact of the Enlightenment Writing Assignment/Assessment


DUE on MONDAY 2/11/13


Now it is time to apply what you have learned.  In essay form, you are going to respond to the following:


Explain how enlightenment thinking affected political and social thought.


Your essay will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Clear and effective Introduction                                                                 10pts
  • Supported statements about political and social effects                              30pts
  • Clear and effective Conclusion                                                                   10pts
  • Two pages, single-spaced (8th Grade);One pages, single-spaced (7th)           10pts 
  • Writing Process (Organizer, Rough Draft, Final Copy)                 40pts  
                                                                     Total: 100pts                                 

Use the following essay outline to organize your thoughts:

Introduction: What is the goal of the paper?

Political Effects:
·         How did Enlightenment thinkers change the way people viewed the gov’t?
·         How did they say gov’t should be ran?
Social Effects:
  • How did Enlightenment thinkers change the way people answer the question “why?”
  • How did they change the way people viewed human nature?

Conclusion:  Restate and wrap-up


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Discussion Question #12 (Due THURSDAY 1/7/13)

Thomas Hobbes believed that all human beings were selfish, searching for power but also rational (logical). Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Question must be written
8th Grade- 2 pages minimum
7th Grade- 1 1/2 pages minimum

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Facebook Page (Philosophers) Reminder DUE Tuesday 2/5/13

Just a friendly reminder that students should of completed their "Facebook" page for the Philosopher of their choice that they spend last week in class researching and collecting information. Their page must be completed on a poster board and ready to present on Tuesday, 2/5/13. Student have received the requirements for the poster on Friday. However, they are also listed below.  

Objective: You will create a fake Facebook page for a historical figure. You will do this on paper, not a real webpage. To get started, you need to:
  • Research the life and achievements of the individual you have chosen or have been assigned.
  • Create a profile for your historical figure.  Profile information you must include:
    • Relationship Status
    • Hometown/Current town
    • DOB/DOD
    • Religious/Political views
    • A short list of the historical figure’s friends (minimum o f 6)
    • Looking for (hint: could be ANYTHING related to the goals your figure had…Looking for equal protection under the law, Looking for capital to produce more goods, Looking for buyers for __________ (his product).)
    • Personal information (hint: activities, interests, favorite quotes, about me, education and work, etc.)
  • As you research, pull out a short quote or isolate an important moment during the era we are studying that can be easily made as a status update. You need at least five status updates that go in chronological order with your figure’s life during the era of study. The purpose of the status updates is to inform your “friends” about what exactly your figure is doing/feeling/experiencing at different points in history.
  • Be creative and have fun! I will award bonus points for “extras” on your pages such as the following Facebook Applications:
    • Fan pages
    • Emails from your character to another. This would be used for private messages.
    • A game such as Farmville or Mafia Wars (but you must make up your own game that would be appropriate for the time period)
    • Links to articles that relate to the general themes of the topic we’re studying.
    • Friend suggestions
  • Please understand that you are not creating a real Facebook page on the internet. I have no way of accessing the website from school. You may do this assignment by cutting out and gluing the icons below, or electronically by cutting and pasting the icons from your facebook page.  If you have the ability to do this by other means, please feel free!
You may use the following icons, depending on your update:
Poke (this is used to say “hello” or jab at another user)
Become a fan
Become a friend
 Delete a friend
 Like (other historical figures can like or dislike your updates)
No longer online (this can be used if your person goes to jail, is involved in an important meeting, passes away, etc.)
 Add event
Make a comment about someone else’s post
Others may be used as long as they are legitimate facebook icons.

  • You also need to create avatars for your character. This can be done using actual photos of your historical figure or you may draw or find images on your own. If you do this, please stick with the same photo each time.
    Character Profile (20 pts)
_           Avatar – 5 pts
_           Relationship status -3 pts
_           Hometown/Current town – 3 pts
_           Religious/Political Views – 3 pts   
_           Looking for – 3 pts
_           Personal Information – 3 pts
     __ 5 Status Updates (5 pts each)
_           Must be historically accurate and in chronological order
_           Must be topical to what we’re currently studying


   Bonus Points for “Extras”- points are to be determined by teacher

TOTAL POINTS: _____________

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

8th Grade Websearch

Name: ________________________ Date: _______________Homeroom: __________                   


The Enlightenment Philosopher Scramble


In any period in history there are certain people that you must know about.  The Enlightenment could never have happened with out the forward thinking of hundreds of thousands of people, but only a few standout.  John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Baron de Montesquieu are four of the most important thinkers to ever live! You are going to work in small groups to learn all about these important thinkers and find out why their thoughts are so important to us today.  Then, you will share what you have found with the other groups in class.


John Locke-

Country of Origin: ________________________

Summary of Major Ideas:




Thomas Hobbes-

Country of Origin: ________________________

Summary of Major Ideas:



Jean-Jacques Rousseau-

Country of Origin: ________________________

Summary of Major Ideas:




Baron de Montesquieu-

Country of Origin: ________________________

Summary of Major Ideas:





Venn Diagram Locke vs. Hobbes


         JOHN LOCKE                                          Similarities                       THOMAS HOBBES



Venn Diagram Rousseau vs. Montesquieu




Jean-Jacques Rousseau          

Effects of the Enlightenment Webquest (Worksheet)

Name:                                                             Date:

Class/Block:                                                   Effects of the Enlightenment Webquest




Step 1. Define the Enlightenment


How does www.dictionary.com define the Enlightenment? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Define the Enlightenment in your own words.



Step 2. Define politics, society and economics


Formal definition of politics: ________________________________________________


In your words: ___________________________________________________________



Formal definition of society: ________________________________________________


In your words: ___________________________________________________________



Formal definition of economics: _____________________________________________


In your words: ___________________________________________________________



Step 3. How did the Enlightenment affect politics, society and economics?  (6 sentence minimum.)



Step 1. Five Summative Sentences for “The Political and Economic Background”












Step 2. Part 1. Political Philosophe

            Philosophe 1: __________________________________________









            Philosophe 2: __________________________________________









Step 2. Part 2. Social Philosophe

            Philosophe 1: __________________________________________













Philosophe 2: __________________________________________









Step 2. Part 3. Economic Physiocrats

            Physiocrat 1: __________________________________________









            Physiocrat 2: __________________________________________












Once you have answered all of these questions, save this document as:


Enlightenment_affects_(your last name here)


Example: Elightenment_affects_Perez


Then email it to: aperez@hesglendale.org


Remember…email it by the next class meeting for full credit.  Five points will be deducted every day it’s not submitted electronically!

7th Grade Web Quest Directions

Enlightenment Webquest



As you have learned, the Enlightenment dramatically changed the way people lived, thought, were educated and perceived the world.  The three major areas of change were in the areas of politics, society and economics.  Through your study of Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Wollstonecraft, Smith, Diderot and many others—you have discovered men and women’s varied thoughts on many matters.  In the following webquest, you will examine how Enlightenment thinkers affected politics, society and economics.



You will access many websites and answer a variety of questions during this block.  You will have to maneuver quickly and efficiently through the websites if you wish to finish on time.  You will record all of your answers in a word document and electronically submit your answers to aperez@hesglendale.org   Your work must be emailed by the next class meeting to receive full credit.  This is a 60 point assignment.  Five points will be taken off your total score each day it is not in my inbox.





Step 1. Define the Enlightenment (use definition #4).  Then, define the Enlightenment in your own words (or using words Ms. Perez or your classmates have been using for the last week).


Step 2. Define the terms: politics, society and economics. Then as in Step 1, define them in your own words to show understanding.


Step 3. Pre-test (of sorts): Given what you know about the Enlightenment and the definitions you found for politics, society and economics, record an answer of between 8 and 10 sentences attempting to answer the question: “How did Enlightenment thinkers affect politics, society and economics.”  Eight to 10 sentences will not be nearly enough to answer the question in detail, but this is your baseline for what you know (or think you know) at this point.  Comparing this answer to your final answer will show how much you’ve learned by the end of class.



Step 1. Politics and economics

Access this link. http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/hum_303/enlightenment.  Skim all sections if you like, but read the section titled, ‘The Political and Economic Background.”   Once you have read that passage, write one sentence summarizing what each paragraph stated.  This will call for a total of five (5) sentences.

And even though the passage does not specifically call out “society”, you learn quite a bit about society in the reading.



Step 2. Recall

Part 1: Recall two (2) Enlightenment thinkers that affected politics during the enlightenment.  If you get stuck, access any of the helpful resource links below.


Clearly state WHAT they thought and HOW it affected politics during or after the enlightenment (remember the Enlightenment in many ways caused the American and French Revolutions…this will help you)


Part 2: Recall two (2) Enlightenment thinkers that affected society during the enlightenment.  If you get stuck, access any of the helpful resource links below.


Clearly state WHAT the philosophe thought and HOW it affected society during or after the enlightenment (remember your definitions of society from the previous phase.  Society can deal with the relationship between citizens (men/women/girls/boys), have to do with religion, and other day to day operations of a community)


Part 3: Recall two (2) Enlightenment thinkers that affected the economy during the enlightenment.  If you get stuck, access any of the helpful resource links below.


Clearly state WHAT the physiocrat thought and HOW it affected economics during or after the enlightenment (remember what you have learned about taxation, economic control before and after the Enlightenment



Step 1. Answer the question

Considering all that you previously knew combined with what you have just learned answer the question: “Explain how the Enlightenment affected political, social and economic thought.”  You will answer this question in formal essay format. 

·         Introduction (with strong and clear thesis)

·         Three body paragraphs (it would make sense to write one for politics, one for society and one for economics)

·         Conclusion (proving your thesis and bring closure to the paper)


Your essay will be typed in 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced and will be between 1 and 2 pages.


This part of the webquest is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.  You may print it and hand it in, or you can email it to me.



Here are a list of ADDITIONAL websites that will be of use if you have any questions about any given topics or themes in this assignment.  Only access them if you get stuck, or feel as though you need a refresher on any of the information contained in this webquest.  Beware…don’t spend too much time here; you need to stay on task and finish the webquest!



Look here for quick hits on many of the Enlightenment thinkers we have already learned about.  Notice there are two pages of names and information.



Look here for in-depth information on Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Diderot.  Look at the left margin!





Look here for in-depth, college level outline notes from the University of Regina.






By the end of this webquest, students should be able to clearly explain numerous ways the Enlightenment affected politics, society and economics.